Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Mittens and wristies

This is one garment I love to wear ..... and make!

These lovely colourful mittens is a free pattern from Cherry Heart and the pattern is here.
It is made from one of my favourite yarns, it's Idéal from Bergere de France. It has so many cheerful colours and it keeps well.

The first time I saw the picture of these wristies I knew that at some point I will try to make them. I say try, I'm not yet such a great hooker and I thought they must be very difficult, but in the end it was dead easy making them.
BUT, I don't have a clue where I can find the pattern. I made it, some time went by and now I can't find the website where I got it from. When I find it again, I will definetly post it.

Again these are made from Idéal from Berger de France

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