In my street is this very nice old lady, Leona. She lived here almost forever, she's in her late 80's and lived in her house since she was a child. She loved to knit, crochet, or do all kinds of craftwork, she even loved photography which was not that evident in those days. Now she finds it too difficult to do it. I love talking to her, she can tell endless stories about the war (WW2)
She always wears these lovely colourfull shawls, she has more than one. She has shawls for during the week and one for sundays. How lovely is that!
Writing me a graph to use as pattern
Holding up her shawl
How to make the shawl goes like this:- just knit a huge round thing.
Fold it .....
Crochet the two sides together, preferably in a lacey kind of stitch, it can be nice and warm
Like this.....
Close up
ready to wear
Yarn used are the leftover from
this handbag, I did need more than what was left