Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Advent stockings .... already

Last year I found this really quaint pattern for Advent stockings on the internet. Here is the link to it  http://littlecottonrabbits.typepad.co.uk/free_knitting_patterns/2007/06/knitted_mini_ch.html
They came out super lovely!

My daughter and daughter-in-law were thrilled with it and asked me to knit them a set too. One pair is finished, so have a look-see.

all of them

red and whites


whites -and redsandgreens

playing havoc with my cam

the rest, the green one needs some buttons (which I forgot)

I made them slightly bigger than the pattern and when one of the grandkidz came to visit he absolutely had to try them on.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Floral bag

When I first saw this handbag I knew I must try it. The colour is just brilliant and the flowers are beautiful. What a talented lady Cherry Hearts is, she has such a good eye for colours.

As per usual I started on the wrong side. Often I just start off and go and when I get to a certain point I really have to read the pattern and then I see, duh! wrong again! These little flowers are so easy to make.

the finished product! with lining.

As I fell so much in love with the colour of the bag, I used exactly the colour combination as it was described in the pattern. I did not use all of the yarn and have a lovly colourful stash of this yarn and I'm going to make another handbag with the rest.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


What is the meaning of WIP?
It all started on Facebook. At some point I started following this page http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Creative-Crochet-Collective/142317845834754?hc_location=stream . I saw all this amazing pieces of crochet and to be honest I've never searched the internet for tutorials or anything. Over the years I've done the odd things, sometimes crochet, sometimes knitting or embroiderie, but not often. Following this page the interest started again, it's mostly crochet at the moment.
From one page you like you often go the the next, and the next. There are so many pages you can follow featuring your hobbies. Now when I open facebook, my home page is full of all the creativeness of all the persons on these lists. I love it!
All those tutorials, different yarns, patterns (preferably the free ones), how small the world is, even with the different systems, like a crochet hook can have different sizes depending on the country.
And the video tutorials! Crochet holds no secret to me anymore.
Once I ordered yarn in the UK on the 17th of the month, it arrived at home the 19th! Even the post got faster.
Even my house is undergoing a crochet shift, the things move around to accomodate my yarn, WIPs and finished products. :)
If you want wool, you need a place to stash it (another word I used for the first time - stash). A disused cupboard, suddenly became the place to stash my stash.

Today I made a pic of my WIPs as in work in progress! Ewww, I did not realise how many I have!

But, most of them are almost done and the new ones burning to get really started on. The hats, shawls and mittens for my granddaughters need only a final fit and all the ends cleared away. The two handbags need linings and the socks are almost gone. 
Then I can start on the roses wreath, wow! I'm so loning to work on it, in my mind it will be beautiful. 

WIP - work in progress
stash - all the yarns you can't say no to when you see them in a shop